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Briarwood Construction Management

Briarwood Construction Management  provides construction management services for all EastSky's assets, enabling the full vertical integration of upgrade and renovation business plans for each property.

A fundamental pillar of EastSky's investment strategy is the upgrading of multifamily assets through tailored renovation programs. ESP manages this process through its affiliate, Briarwood Construction Management (BCM), which provides project development, pre-construction, design, construction management, and general contracting services for all ESP projects, ensuring the highest quality construction as well as efficient execution on all projects. ESP's seamless integration BCM enables a transparent flow of information that enhances both the construction and operating functions of ESP’s properties. 

BCM is supported by a back-office infrastructure providing accounting, human resources and information technology services. Projects are designed by a project-specific group of design professionals, including architects, engineers, interior designers and various specialty consultants. The design group directs scope development during pre-construction, and provides ongoing support throughout construction, overseeing proper scope implementation and execution by subcontractors and internal skilled labor. 

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